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Beginning Your Journey

Students come to Spire from different places, programs, and situations, as well as for a variety of reasons. For example, they may be withdrawing at home, underachieving at school, or having difficulty regulating their emotions or coping with day-to-day situations. Alternatively, a stressful life event or previously unidentified diagnosis may also be contributing to feelings of low self-esteem and lack of motivation. For students facing these challenges, the Spire School provides a constructive approach to getting a side-tracked individual back onto a positive path as both a student and contributing member of his or her community.

Moving On

Whether transitioning to a new middle or high school, college, gap year, work environment, or therapeutic setting, the Spire staff works collectively with the student, family, and sending district (if applicable), to make certain that this process is clear, thorough, and best meets the student’s needs.

Exterior, ariel view of school parking lot on sunny day with bushes out front and cars in parking lot

therapeutic day school for college-bound students in grades 6-12.



201 High Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06905

Tel: 203-409-0066

© Copyright 2021 Spire School
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